Monday, May 28, 2007

My new guitar!!!!!!!!

The Fender Stratocaster.....a dream guitar!


Angika said...

Wow! It looks lovely! Can you play it? :P Kidding!

dazedandconfused said...

A nextlevelguitar member are that site as well, though am not yet a paying member. Not sure that I want to invest in an electric piece yet, working on some finger picking now...

it's a beautiful guitar by the way...

Inkk said...

Angu: Grrr...In my head, I am doing gigs with a band ...totally rockstar like :))

D&C: Yes, its a lovely site. Dave is great, its really worth it. He now has cds as well. I needed a beautiful guitar to incentivise myself to learn :-))

Thanks :-)